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Manifestations Rhin Supérieur


Chemists from the academic and industrial world of the Upper Rhine Area are involved in the International Year of Chemistry 2011. They want to share their passion for chemistry with the general public and especially with children and teenagers.

Welcome to the world of chemistry in the Upper Rhine Region

Discover all the events which are organized in our geographic area. They will bring you behind the scenes of chemistry and research and focus on the actual developments and future outlooks - which are important for all of us.

Meet the actors and the specialists working in research and chemistry. They will surprise you and show you their passion for chemistry.

  • Exhibitions
  • Lectures
  • Discussions
  • Shows
  • Publications



Die Oberrheinregion – von Basel über Straßburg bis Ludwigshafen – ist eines der wichtigsten Zentren der globalen Chemieforschung. Im „Internationalen Jahr der Chemie 2011“ demonstrieren Chemiker aus Wissenschaft und Industrie Ihre Leidenschaft für Chemieinnovationen.

Diese Leidenschaft und Begeisterung möchten sie gern mit Ihnen und besonders mit jungen Menschen teilen.

Willkommen in der Welt der Chemie im oberen Rheintal

Hier finden Sie alle regionalen Veranstaltungen im Rahmen des internationalen Jahrs der Chemie, Hinweise auf die aktuellen Entwicklungen in der Chemie und Perspektiven für die Zukunft – die uns alle angehen.

Treffen Sie Forscher, Chemiker und Spezialisten, die Ihnen mehr über die Chemie und Ihre Leidenschaft berichten möchten.

  • Ausstellungen
  • Vorträge
  • Diskussionen
  • Unterhaltungen
  • Publikationen



En Alsace, tous les chimistes, tant du monde académique qu’industriel, se mobilisent autour du Comité Ambition Chimie pour préparer l'année internationale de la chimie et faire partager leur passion à un très large public, en particulier aux jeunes. Un comité d’organisation réunissant tous les acteurs régionaux de la chimie a été constitué pour coordonner les actions qui seront mises en œuvre.

Bienvenu dans le monde de la chimie du Rhin Supérieur

Entrez dans l'univers de la chimie en Alsace.
Découvrez toutes les manifestations organisées en Alsace qui vous dévoileront les coulisses de la chimie et de la recherche en s'intéressant notamment aux grands développements actuels et aux perspectives d'un avenir qui nous concerne tous.

Partez à la rencontre des acteurs, des chercheurs et des spécialistes qui vous feront partager leur passion et leur métier.

  • Expositions
  • Conférences
  • Débats
  • Animations
  • Publications

International Year of Chemistry 2011 – Upper Rhine Initiative

The Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker, the Société Chimique de France and the Schweizerische Chemische Gesellschaft, will set up trinational events in the Upper Rhine Valley which promote the International Year of Chemistry 2011 (IYC 2011). The main objectives of IYC 2011 are:

  • Increase the public appreciation of chemistry in meeting world needs,
  • Increase the interest of young people in chemistry,
  • Generate enthusiasm for the creative future of chemistry,
  • Celebrate the role of women in chemistry or major historical events in chemistry, including the centenary of Mme Curie's Nobel Prize.

Additionally the three chemical societies want to point out the importance of the trinational Upper Rhine region for the achievements in Chemistry over the last century. One part of the planned activities is a series of demonstration lectures (Experimentalvorlesungen) given in the three countries by some well known scientists. The contents of these lectures must be easily understood (by the layman) but spectacular and relevant for the audience to bring about the objectives of IYC 2011.

The lectures will be given at different locations/universities in the Upper Rhine Valley. To promote the trinational character of the event, it had been planned at the outset to design one lecture with a set of experiments/ demonstrations which will travel to the different locations during October to November 2011.

As of February 16  2011

From the various preparatory meetings since March 2010, it appeared 
that the initial goal of the IYC2011 UPPER RHINE  INITIATIVE – i.e. presenting several experimental conferences in the three countries both in German and in French by the same chemists - cannot be fulfilled, only one chemist having been found  to master an  experimental conference in both languages. 

As a consequence, the Franco-German committee came up with a modified proposal which is formulated  as follows:

  • any Chemical Show - i.e. an experimental conference - is to be delivered by a chemical expert in his native tongue;
  • the experimental part of any Chemical Show can be replaced by a short video which describes an experiment;
  • each Chemical Show will be filmed by a professional crew which puts the resulting video-film on the IYC2011 Upper Rhine Initiative website;
  • each video-film will be translated synchronously either into French or into German, the translated version of the video being put on the above website too;
  • the various video-films can be downloaded any time from this website and projected to German, Swiss or French audiences, during or after the IYC2011.

Eventually, the already existing but somewhat modified bilingual DVD which is entitled
"Von den Teerfarben zur Flüssigkristall-Anzeige-Technologie
"Des  Colorants d’aniline à l’affichage par cristaux liquides
will be be put on  the website too, to be downloaded by anyone.

Ministère de la recherche Région Alsace Ville et Communauté urbaine de Strasbourg Vaisseau/CG67

Académie de Strasbourg Maison de la Chimie Jardin des Sciences Nef des Sciences CNRS

Université de Haute-Alsace EUCOR UIC Pole chimie Alsace France bleu

AMUSS DNA - Dernières Nouvelles d'Alsace Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique Espace des Sciences